Fees and Enrolment

NDIS Line Items identified as appropriate to use for our programCB Social and Community Participation Program

Leap into Dance is a non-registered provider. We can provide invoices suitable for self and plan managed participants as well as accept private payment.

All fees are paid per term.

UPDATE: Legislation changes have been made from 3rd Oct. Leap into Dance is endeavouring to include the recommendations made in this document into the program: https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2024L01257/asmade/text

Leap into Dance must add in a line item to all invoices moving forwards hence we now require this information from the participants before confirming enrolment.

Here are the line items which we have identified are most suitable for the LiD program and will be added to your invoice once you provide Georgina with the requested information. These are from the NDIS Price Guide 2024-2025. We strongly suggest the line item is selected in conjunction with your Support Coordinator/LAC/Plan Manger to make sure we fit correctly into your plan. Leap into Dance is not responsible for how your funds are spent. 

NB: Other support items may be specifically outlined in your plan. 

Capacity Building – Increased Social and Community Participation 09_011_0125_6_3 Community Participation Activities
Core – Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation 04_103_0125_6_1 Access Community Social and Rec Activ – Standard – Weekday Evening
Core – Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation 04_105_0125_6_1 Access Community Social and Rec Activ – Standard – Saturday

Please contact Leap into Dance for a full program NDIS Quote.

NDIS Line Item identified as appropriate to use for our programLeap into Fitness - 1:1 Personal Training

Leap into Fitness is a non-registered provider. We can provide invoices suitable for self and plan managed participants as well as accept private payment.

All fees are paid per term.

UPDATE: Legislation changes have been made from 3rd Oct. Leap into Dance is endeavouring to include the recommendations made in this document into the program: https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2024L01257/asmade/text

Leap into Fitness must add in a line item to all invoices moving forwards hence we now require this information from the participants before confirming enrolment.

Here are the line items which we have identified are most suitable for the LiD program and will be added to your invoice once you provide Georgina with the requested information. These are from the NDIS Price Guide 2024-2025. We strongly suggest the line item is selected in conjunction with your Support Coordinator/LAC/Plan Manger to make sure we fit correctly into your plan. Leap into Dance is not responsible for how your funds are spent. 

NB: Other support items may be specifically outlined in your plan. 

12_029_0126_3_3  Personal training provided by a Personal Trainer to a participant

Please contact Leap into Dance for a full program NDIS Quote.

Enrolment Process

  1. Contact Leap into Dance via our web form (there’s one below!)
  2. Schedule a FREE trial class at Leap into Dance (or a 1:1 introductory class if needed)
  3. To confirm enrolment, complete our Service Agreement sent after the trial class
  4. Enjoy being apart of the Leap into Dance Community!

Q: Do you take mid-term enrolments?

We accept enrolments throughout the year, both private of NDIS funded. Fees will be calculated on a pro rata basis for the number of classes remaining in the term, we follow the same enrolment process as above.

Q: We are not sure what class we should trial, how do we know?

At Leap into Dance we allow our participants as much time as they need to find the right group. This may mean trialling one or two of our classes to find the best suitable

Q: How many class do you recommend trying before you know if the participant feels comfortable in the class?

We recommend the participant try’s 5 classes with consistent attendance to know if the dance class is the best activity for your participant. 5 classes also allows currently enrolled participants to get used to a new person in the group.

Q: What resources are provided before attending the free trial class?

We send via email our social story about attending a dance class at the studio. The social story contains pictures of the space and teacher. You can print this off at home and we recommend reading it a couple of times and also right before you leave the house to go to the studio.

Q: We know our participant will be shy, they might not even want to enter the studio to begin with, what do you do? 

We understand trying something new can cause lots of different emotions! We make sure we proceed at the participants pace, we will work with the new participant out of the studio for as long as they need before they are comfortable to attend in the studio. Some participants may benefit from attending the studio when no classes are running, prior to the trial class. You can let us know if you think this option may suit the participant best. There is no cost for a visit like this.

Contact us
17 Halsey Road, Airport West VIC 3042
0437 194 238
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
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